Development Strategy of Toruń by 2020 |

Development Strategy of Toruń by 2020

Development Strategy of Toruń by 2020 was adopted by the City Council of Toruń on 4 November 2010 (resolution No 935/2010 of the City Council of Toruń).

The time perspective of this Strategy was determined as the year 2020. From the viewpoint of the assumed strategic objectives, it is a perspective that makes their realizations more possible. In the draft of the document, the vision of the city in 2020 was described as a tourist, educational and economic centre. Moreover, a number of priority development directions were stated, that is Toruń – a city of culture, Toruń – a city of tourism, Toruń – an academic centre and a city of innovative companies, as well as Toruń – a metropolitan centre.

The document in question contains an objectified system of strategic management. When forming the rules of strategic management, the following rules were adopted: maintaining the transparency of strategic management provisions, indicating the main role of the Strategy in managing, determining the structure and provisions of the Strategy document in a form that allows for using it when forming justifications for financing projects from EU funds.

Local government mission of the city of Toruń
The mission of the local government of Toruń was defined in the following manner:

"The mission of the local government is to make Toruń a city of open and enterprising community that remembers the heritage of their ancestors and uses it all to build a modern cultural, scientific, economic and tourist centre, serving as a metropolitan centre."

Vision of the City
The vision of Toruń in 2020 was summarized in the following sentence:

"Toruń, a modern city of the European development zone."